7 Tips for Adults to Stay Motivated to Learn Piano with the Right Mindset

Learning piano as an adult can be a deeply rewarding and enriching experience, but it can also be quite challenging to stay motivated and focused.

Here are the 7 principles that the VIRTUOSO Piano Club uses to help adult students stay motivated to learn piano with the right mindset for consistent piano skill development.

1. Set Specific Goals

It's important to have a clear idea of what you want to achieve when learning piano as an adult. Whether you want to be able to play a specific piece of music or just improve your overall skills, having a specific goal in mind will help you stay motivated.

In our twice-a-month online VIRTUOSO Piano Club group lessons we have a specific goal to learn a new tune in each lesson with a focus on working on specific skills from our Piano Essentials curriculum. During each one-hour live group lesson we break down a lesson from the full curriculum applying what we are learning to an exciting new song.

This helps keep students interested because we have new music each week to work with and we stay focused on learning skills that are applicable to any other music that the student wants to learn outside of class time or during their own individual private lessons.

2. Make Time for Practice

Finding time to practice can be challenging for adults with busy schedules, but it's important to set aside dedicated time for piano practice in order to make progress. Whether it's 15 minutes a day or an hour once a week, making sure to carve out time in your schedule for practice is essential for those that want to build their skills consistently.

The VIRTUOSO Piano Club was developed with the purpose of overcoming practice challenges in mind. As a piano teacher that has worked with adult and senior populations for years, I know that practicing is a challenge for many people. That’s what the one-hour lessons every two weeks are designed to tackle. Each lesson is a hands-on hour of focused practice with the group.

In these lessons, you are guided by an expert teacher and given the time to work through each musical concept being taught. This “power hour” of guided piano instruction can replace numerous hours of self-directed practice and give you the tools to make your individual practice time more meaningful and impactful. 

3. Find a Good Teacher

A good teacher can make a huge difference in your motivation to learn piano. Look for a teacher who is patient, experienced, and able to tailor their teaching style to your needs and learning pace.

Students of VIRTUOSO piano lessons have enjoyed working with piano coach Leon Harrell and trust his level of musical knowledge and appreciate the patience and level of support he offers in each lesson. Students that desire to develop their piano skills in more depth often go on to take additional private lessons to support the concepts they are working on and develop the skills needed to play the songs they love the most in their own unique style.

4. Don't Be Too Hard on Yourself

It's important to have high standards for yourself when learning piano, but it's equally important not to be too hard on yourself if you make mistakes. Remember that everyone makes mistakes and it's part of the learning process.

Encouragement is abundant in the VIRTUOSO Piano Club both during our live group lessons and between lessons on our group’s community discussion board. All students are actively encouraged to participate at the level they are comfortable with during lessons.

Additionally, as students progress through the Piano Essentials curriculum they are welcome to share their successes and discuss any obstacles encountered through text and video messages with their peers and piano coach at any time.  

5. Celebrate Your Progress

It's easy to get discouraged when learning a new skill, but it's important to take a step back and celebrate the progress you've made. Every time you learn a new piece of music or improve your technique, take a moment to celebrate your achievements.

Beyond the community discussion during class and online students of the VIRTUOSO Piano Club are invited to participate in our seasonal virtual concerts. Each season students that choose to share recordings of their playing are featured and group performances are also encouraged on our collaborative ensemble pieces.

6. Find a Practice Buddy

Having someone to practice with can be a great way to stay motivated to learn piano. Find a friend or family member who is also interested in learning and make a plan to practice together on a regular basis.

Students in the VIRTUOSO Piano Club can choose to pair up with a buddy or simply set a goal each week to share their practice milestones with the group in our online discussion board. Having this extra method of accountability is just what many of our VIRTUOSO students look for to help them stay motivated when learning new skills on their own feels too isolated for their personal learning style. 

7. Keep an Open Mind

Learning piano as an adult can be intimidating, but it's important to keep an open mind and remember that it's never too late to learn. Don't let your age hold you back from pursuing your musical goals.

In the VIRTUOSO Piano Club, most students are in their senior years and love having group lessons as a way to connect with others and stay musically active. Many students have never taken group piano but come to find that all the fears they had of meeting other students or interacting in class melt away as their piano coach gently guides each group lesson and facilitates learning for all skill levels of students in the group.

Join the VIRTUOSO Piano Club

Learning piano as an adult requires dedication and a positive mindset, but with the right approach, it can be a fulfilling and enjoyable experience. If you're looking for a supportive and engaging community to help you on your musical journey, consider joining the VIRTUOSO Piano Club.

With expert guidance and a wide range of resources and opportunities, the VIRTUOSO Piano Club is the perfect place to take your piano skills to the next level. And for a limited time, you can join for the low introductory price of just $35 a month. Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to learn, grow, and connect with other passionate pianists.

So, why wait? Sign up now and start your journey toward playing the songs you love.

Leon Harrell

Leon is the principal consultant at Foundry League. He specializes in strategic brand design for creative solopreneurs.


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