4 Emotional Tools to Use When You’re Not Making Progress at the Piano

Learning to play the piano is a rewarding yet challenging journey that often requires dedication, patience, and perseverance. At times, progress may seem elusive, and frustration can set in. During these moments, it's crucial to tap into emotional tools that keep fueling your desire to build your piano skills while also enjoy the process of playing. These tools can help you navigate frustrating challenges and keep moving forward in your piano journey.

In this article, we will explore four essential emotional resources - agency, compassion, curiosity, and gratitude - that can significantly contribute to building and enhancing your piano skills. This concept of using emotional tools is derived from the teachings I've absorbed from therapist Gina Johnson, whose therapeutic approach has helped me tremendously.

#1 - Agency: Taking Control of Your Learning Journey

Agency refers to the sense of control and ownership over your learning process. When faced with obstacles at the piano, it's essential to recognize that you have the power to influence your progress. It’s powerful to remember that you can set clear goals, break them down into manageable tasks, and celebrate your small victories every time you play piano. By taking charge of your learning journey at the keyboard, you'll continuously instill a sense of purpose and motivation, propelling you forward even when the path forward seems challenging.

#2 - Compassion: Embracing Self-Kindness at the Keyboard

Learning any skill, including playing the piano, involves inevitable ups and downs. During moments of stagnation, practicing self-compassion is key. Understand that setbacks are a natural part of the learning process, and be kind to yourself. Instead of dwelling on mistakes, view them as opportunities for growth and a chance to develop new musical skills. Cultivating a positive inner dialogue around playing piano helps you acknowledging your continued efforts and the progress you have already made. Compassion towards yourself will create a supportive emotional environment, fostering resilience and a renewed commitment to your piano journey.

#3 - Curiosity: Cultivating an Inquisitive Mindset

Maintaining a curious mindset is crucial for overcoming plateaus in your piano skills. Approach challenges with an open and inquisitive mind, exploring different techniques, genres, and musical styles. Experiment with new practice routines, and don't be afraid to ask questions or seek out help from a piano teacher. Cultivating curiosity allows you to view obstacles as opportunities to expand your musical horizons. Embrace the joy of discovery, and you'll find that your enthusiasm for the piano will reignite, propelling you towards new breakthroughs.

#4 - Gratitude: Focusing on the Positive Aspects of Your Current Skills

In moments of frustration, it's easy to lose sight of the positive aspects of your piano journey. Practicing gratitude involves acknowledging and appreciating the progress you've made, no matter how small. Take time to reflect on the joy and fulfillment that playing the piano brings to your life. Express gratitude for the opportunity to learn and grow through music, either with other people or in a journal. Shifting your focus to the positive aspects of your journey will not only enhance your emotional well-being but also provide the motivation needed to overcome obstacles.

In Conclusion

Embracing the emotional tools of agency, compassion, curiosity, and gratitude can be transformative in fueling your piano growth when faced with challenges in your personal learning journey. By taking control of your skill development, being kind to yourself at the keyboard, maintaining curiosity about new skills, and expressing gratitude for how far you’ve already come, you'll not only navigate plateaus but also find renewed inspiration to continue developing as a musician. Remember, progress is a journey, not a destination, and these emotional resources can serve as powerful, steadfast companions along the way.

Leon Harrell

Leon is the principal consultant at Foundry League. He specializes in strategic brand design for creative solopreneurs.


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